Pendant Ammonite and Quartz Crystal von StonePendants auf Etsy

Shared by stonependants in the Jewellery

Product Description:

A polished Ammonite fossil is held in silver above a crystal held in gold. The Ammonite fossil has small cavities full of tiny crystals. The Quartz crystal is clear and sharp.
This is a fossil of a creature that lived in the seas millions of years ago - an ammonite. This is its fossilized shell, cut and polished. The name 'ammonite' comes from ancient Egyptian mythology, from the oracle-god Amun who had the form of a ram. The ammonite resembled the horns on either side of Ammon's head. The last of the ammonites disappeared along with the dinosaurs about 65 million years ago.
The quartz crystal comes from a beautiful forest covered mountain in Montana, and it was dug from the side of that mountain by my hands last summer.

Ammonite fossil agate quartz crystal wire wrapped wire wrapping pendant jewelry spiral silver gold sterling silver large


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