Embroidered Bookmark Floral Fantasy von Lynwoodcrafts auf Etsy

Shared by Lynwoodcrafts in the Pottery

Product Description:

Fantasy flowers in shades of green, red and sky blue are stitched against the background of this felted bookmark in beautiful shades of blues and turquoise, with highlights of bright orange. Ribbon tails complete the design.

A wide variety of fancy yarns have been 'felted' to a commercial felt background by the use of an embellisher machine. Small cotton cross stitches, in bright orange, have been scattered across the background. Simple flower shapes, in a bright green pure wool, and in bright red pure wool combined with a flame coloured yarn ( containing a metallic thread) have been worked in simple stitches. These flowers have then been felted in place using the embellisher. Centres of sky blue and bright orange have been added in cotton perle and plain cotton thread.


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